Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I've finally arrived at Cairo, Egypt and I'm finally of the airplane! The nice thing is that I slept the whole way. I think that if I had stayed awake I would have been bored to death. It's late already, I'm getting sleepy... Zzzz. Tomorrow I want to go to the Sphinx. They say that they are filled with history and that it a really great place to take a pic at. Well, when I got to Egypt the first thing I did was go shopping. The clothing are filled with color and they are also filled with meaning in it. While I was walking I saw this very amazing dress. It was really pretty! The seller told me that they use it for special occasions or celebrations they do. I was amazed! So guess what I did, I bought the amazing dress! I have a new dress, I'm so happy... YaY!!!

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